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A beginners guide to flower availability: The wedding flowers everyone wants but can't always have

Updated: Feb 3, 2022

We all love flowers and everyone wants them on their special day. But did you know that some of the nicest flowers are not always available at certain times of the year? We tell you everything you need to know in our handy beginners guide.


Availability: May- July

Colour range: White, cream, pinks, apricot, peach, lemon, crimson, burgundy

Flower fact: Peonies are only available for late spring & early summer weddings. They are a big bloom & carry a beautiful scent.

2. Dahilas

Availability: July- November

Colour range: Most colours except blue & green

Flower fact: Dahilas are a popular choice of flower for the British garden. They are a more traditional type of flower that have recently made a comeback in wedding bouquets.

3. Anemone

Availability: September - May

Colour range: Most colours except blue & green

Flower fact: A popular flower for spring & summer weddings . Anemones are very on trend especially in natural & wild type bouquets.

4. Astilbe

Availability: April- November

Colour range: White, pink & red

Flower fact: Astilbe has a delicate, fluffy appearance and very sensitive to touch (the flower can bruise easily). It is a fabulous choice for creating wild style bouquets and the perfect choice for adding texture to a bouquet.

5. Hellebore

Availability: November- May

Colour range: White, lime green, mauve, burgundy

Flower fact: Hellebore are in season around winter time. If you are planning on getting married around Christmas then Hellebore is the perfect choice.

6. Nigella

Availability: April- October

Colour range: White, light blue, sky blue & light pink

Flower fact: Nigella is a wild looking flower that is delicate & wispy. If you are looking for flowers that look like they've been plucked from a meadow then Nigella is a must have.

7. Ranunculus

Availability: October- June December- May

Colour range: White, lemon, yellow, orange, peach, pink, red, burgundy

Flower fact: Ranunculus is a member of the buttercup family & a popular choice for spring weddings.

8. Scabious

Availability: May- November June- October

Colour range: White, lilac, sky blue, burgundy

Flower fact: Scabious is the flower everyone is asking for. It looks perfect in summer bouquets & sets the tone for wild & natural bouquets.

9. Viburnum

Availability: November- June January- May

Colour range: Green

Flower fact: Viburnum has a gorgeous fluffy texture. It's long stems help it to naturally bounce in a bouquet, giving both height & interest.

10. Astrantia

Availability: March- November

Colour range: White, pink, burgundy

Flower fact: Astrantia is loved in the bridal world & commonly used in wedding work. It's pretty flowers are a firm favourite for brides. Perfect if you want a natural & wild looking bouquet.

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